How To Add or Append Values To a Set In Python

Do you want to add or append values to a Set in Python? This article will show you how to add values to a set in Python.

A set is a type of dictionary that does not allow duplicate entries. As a result, if you want a list of unique values, you should use a set.

To add a single value to a set in Python, use the add() method, which is available for Set. If you want to add multiple values to a set at once, you must use the update() method.

How To Add Values To A Empty or Non-Empty Set Using Add()

You can add any values or elements to the set using the add() method. This set can be empty or nonempty; either way, the values will be added. However, in the case of the Add method, you can only add a single element at a time.

Let’s look at how the Add Method is used in the code below.

#Creating a Empty Set
givenSet = set()

#Adding Single Item to Set

#Printing the Set


{'A', 'B'}

As you can see, we added two elements one by one using the set class’s add method.

How to Append Multiple Values to a Set in Python

In Python, you must use the update() method to append multiple values to a Set. Alternatively, you can use ‘|’ to concatenate the list of values to the set.

Let’s look at how to update and ‘|’ are used in the code below.

Using Update Method

#Creating a Empty Set
givenSet = set()

#Adding Single Item to Set

listToAddToSet = ['C', 'D']


#Printing the Set


{'D', 'B', 'A', 'C'}

As you can see from the code above, we can easily add multiple values to a set by using the update method.

Using ‘|’ to Append Multiple Values to a Set

#Creating a Empty Set
givenSet = set()

#Adding Single Item to Set

givenSet = givenSet | {'C', 'D'}

#Printing the Set


{'C', 'A', 'D', 'B'}

So, in Python, we were able to add another set of values to the given set by using ‘|’.

Using Union Method To Add Multiple Values to A Set

There is a Union[1] method present in the set class that can be used to add or append different set values into a single set.

Let’s look at how to use the union method in Python in the code below.

#Creating a Empty Set
givenSet = set()

#Adding Single Item to Set

#Performing Union of Two Set
givenSet = givenSet.union({'C','D'})

#Performing Union with list of Values
givenSet = givenSet.union(['E', 'F'])

#Printing the Set


{'F', 'E', 'D', 'C', 'A', 'B'}

Using the above code, we were able to successfully add a list of values as well as the different set values to the existing set of values.

How To Add or Append Values To a Set In Python

Wrap Up

I hope you were able to find an answer to your question about how to add or append values to a set in Python. You learned four different ways to do so in this lesson.

The first method describes how to add a single value to a Python set. In Python, every other method refers to the addition of multiple values to a set.

If you have a better method than the one discussed above, please let me know and I will gladly add it here.

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Further Read:

  1. 4 Ways To List All Subdirectories in a Directory – Python
  2. Dict To list – Convert A Dictionary to a List in Python
  3. Bot Add Reaction To a Message Python
  4. Python Get The Minimum Value In Dictionary with Key
  5. How To Append Multiple Values To A List in Python
  6. How To Reboot or Restart Python Script

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