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GitBot Complete Guide

GitBot Complete Guide

Are you looking to learn about GitBot? In this article, I will provide you a complete guide to the introduction and usage of GitBot. What is GitBot? GitBot is a developer toolkit that allows developers to stay busy while still connecting with their peers on GitHub directly from Discord. GitBot creates a list of all … Read more

Check If String is Palindrome Using Recursion

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Are you looking for recursive a program that checks whether a String is a Palindrome? In this article, I will show you how you can check if the string is palindrome using recursion. What is Palindrome String? A palindromic string is a string if read from head to end or end to head remains the … Read more

System Pause C++ Command Guide

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Are you looking for a way to use System Pause in C++? In this article, I’ll show you how to use the system(“pause”) command in C++ to pause your program’s execution. Before you learn about the system(“pause”), let us discuss the system() function to understand how it works. What is system() in C++? The system() … Read more

Python Check If File is Empty – 4 Ways


Are you looking for how you can check if the file is empty in Python? In this post, I will show you to check if any given file is empty or not in Python in three different ways. The best way would be just by checking the size of the file. But there are other … Read more

6 Different Ways to Initialize a Vector in C++

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Learn how you can initialize a vector in C++ in 6 different ways. The vector in C++ acts as an array or list. Since it comes with great inbuilt functions to perform different operations and initialization hence it is always recommended to use vectors instead of arrays in C++. Vector is part of STL(Standard Template … Read more

Product of Array Except Self Python C++

Coding Interview Questions

Are you looking to solve and get the solution of Product of Array Except self? This is a very common interview question in the Software Engineering field by big companies. Question: Given an integer array numberArray, return an array result such that result[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except  numberArray [i]. The product of any prefix … Read more

QuickSort in C++ Implementation and Examples

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Are you looking for Implementation of QuickSort in C++? In this article, I will go through the QuickSort implementation in C++ and provide you detailed knowledge about the algorithm of this sorting type. QuickSort, like Merge Sort, is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It selects a pivot element and partitions the specified array around that … Read more

Is it Worth Doing Google UX Certification

Is it Worth Doing Google UX Certificate

Are you looking to do the Google UX Certification for your career progression and still thinking whether it will help to make you stand out of the league of other engineers? In this post, I will discuss Is Google UX Certificate is Worth it? I will be sharing my experience and let you know the … Read more

How to Find Python Path Information [Tutorial]


Are you not able to run the Python script because of the Python Path issue? In this article, I will teach you how to find Python Path Information and set it on your system so that you can easily access the Python from any location on your computer. Unless are set your Python Path in … Read more

How To Check if a given key exists in a map or not in C++

How To Check if a given key exists in a map or not in C++

Do you want to know how to determine whether or not a given key exists in a map? Then, to verify the given key, we must employ the built-in find() function. If you enter the given key into the find function of an ordered map or unordered map in C++, you will get the return … Read more