How to Write Enhanced For Loop in Java With Examples

How to Write Enhanced For Loop in Java 8 With Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn how to write enhanced for loop in JAVA 8. I will be showing you various examples with code in JAVA 8 to show how you can implement it in real-world scenarios. What is Enhanced For Loop in JAVA? The enhanced for loop[1] was first introduced in Java version 5. … Read more

Parse (split) or Tokenize a String in C++ Using Delimiter

C++ Tutorials

In this tutorial, you will learn how to parse a string or in other words how to split a string in C++ using a string delimiter. Tokenizing or Parsing or Splitting a string refers to the process of dividing a string according to delimiters. There are numerous approaches to tokenizing or splitting a string. There … Read more

List vs Dictionary In Python Complete Comparision


In this article, I will discuss List vs Dictionary in Python. I will be discussing the complete difference between a list and a dictionary in Python with examples. You will learn when you should use a list and when to use the dictionary. List vs Dictionary What is List Lists[1] are declared in other languages … Read more

How to Split a List in Python – 3 Ways


In this tutorial, you will learn how to split a list in Python. As you may encounter in using some of the data science or machine learning algorithms where you need to split a list to extract the values out of it. Splitting a list based on chunk size is possible. The result of splitting … Read more

How to Convert Binary Tree to Mirror Tree (Inverted)

Algorithm Tutorials

Do you want to know how to convert Binary Tree To Mirror Tree? In this article, you will learn to convert a Binary Tree to Its Mirror or Inverted view. What is Mirror Tree? When you are having a given binary tree, then the mirror of that tree would be that all the left children … Read more

Kadane’s Algorithm: Maximum Sum Subarray Problem

Algorithm Tutorials

Do you want to solve the Maximum Sum Subarray problem in an optimized way? Today you will learn Kadane’s algorithm that lets you solve this difficult algorithm question in the most optimized and fastest way. You’re probably trying to solve the “Maximum Subarray Problem” and ran into Kadane’s Algorithm but couldn’t figure out how it … Read more

How To Add Values To Python Set


In this article, you will learn how to add values to Python Set. As you might already know that a set a list of values that do not accept duplicate values. Meaning if you have an element already present in the set then if you try adding it in the set then there will be … Read more

Different Ways to Sort a Vector In C++

C++ Tutorials

In this article, you will learn the different ways to sort a vector in C++. You can sort a vector in both ways i.e. either in ascending order or descending order based upon your use case. This can be achieved with the help of the inbuilt sort function present within the Algorithm class in C++. … Read more

std::stoi Convert String To Numbers in C++ [3 Ways]

C++ Tutorials

In this article, You will learn how you can convert String to Numbers in C++. In C++, we have a method named std::stoi that can be used to convert strings consisting of numbers to actual numbers or integers. Using Method std::stoi Function To convert String to Numbers In C++ standard library there is a method … Read more

How To Pop Front in Vector C++ [pop_front]

C++ Tutorials

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to pop front in Vector. In C++, you can simply remove or pop the first member in a vector with this method. The std::vector does not include a function for removing or popping an element from the top of the list, as you may already know. Push back … Read more