ReactJS Tutorial Introduction 1

On Coduber, we are launching a tutorial series for learning ReactJS. This ReactJS Tutorial series was created with the complete beginner in mind. And this will be beneficial to anyone who is about to begin learning ReactJs.

What is React?

Facebook created React as a framework for creating interactive user interfaces. It provides tools and methods for quickly creating user interfaces. React can be used to create user interfaces for websites and mobile applications.

React is a free and open-source javascript library for creating user interfaces. React is currently the most popular frontend framework in the world, with the average React Developer earning around $100,000 per year.

React has a component-based architecture that allows you to break down your application into small encapsulated parts that can then be combined to create complex user interfaces.

Because React is declarative, it makes the code easier to debug and more predictable. You can create simple views for each state of your application, and React will update and render the components only where changes are made.

Because React is independent of the technology stack, you can write and develop new features in React without having to rewrite the code. Let’s create a simple hello world component to learn the fundamentals of how it works.

React can be used to develop UIs of Websites and mobile applications like marketing, management, and collaboration tools.

React Component What is it?

React components implement a render() method that takes input and returns what should be displayed. React examples will employ an XML-like syntax known as JSX. JSX is an optional component that is not required.

class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        Hello {}

  <HelloWorld name="Coduber" />,

React can be seen in the preceding example. The render method is being used by the component to return a “Hello Coduber.” where we’ve created a sample component called HelloWorld that takes an input as a name and accesses the name variable with this. props. name.

ReactJS Tutorial

So, in this code name, HelloWorld is a property of the component. And if you understand this pointer, you’ll realize that this.props is referring to the current component object property value named name, which will be used here.

Note: This course requires that you have basic knowledge of Javascript or that you are familiar with any of the programming languages such as JAVA, Python, or C++.

In the following tutorial, we will learn about Stateful Components and create a To-Do App with them, after which we will learn how to use an external plugin.

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