What is prevNext and How it Works Complete Guide

Are you looking for an answer related to what is prevNext and how it works? In this article, I will let you know everything related to prevNext and how you can download and start using it.

PrevNext is a basic module that offers two links to the previous and next node of the same type for every node type.

What is prevNext?

On the MODX revolution page, community developers have created a MOD for website owners named as prevNext. This mod is for website owners who want to create previous and next links between pages of their websites.

In other words, prevNext provides basic navigation between pages of the website to help users with better navigation and ease of use.

This mod is used on the database of the websites that supports MySQL databases or have integrated with MySQL DB.

What is prevNext and How it Works Complete Guide

For example, if you go on a website such as Amazon.com and search for any product there then on the first page you will see the list of the items of around 10. After this, you will see the list of numbers as 1,2, etc at end of the page.

This navigation present on the last line of the website to navigate to the next set of 10 items on Amazon can be considered as prevNext example.

prevNext is pretty conveniently connected different categories, posts, products, and items into one group of items and doing itemization of them in a few numbers on each different page. It becomes pretty useful for users and if any user who wants to jump to the 1st page from the 10th page can easily do it by selecting the 1st-page prevNext navigation button.

Where to Download prevNext?

You can download the prevNext from the MODX website or from their Github repositories. You can go to the website MODX and search for the prevNext package and then you can see the package with the creator’s name as goldsky.

You need to download that package and then you need to install that package in the MySQL databases sets. Since this package is licensed as GPLv3 that indicates that you can use it for commercial use as well without any license from the creator or company.

How to Install and Use prevNext?

Once you have downloaded the package from the drupal website. You need to enable the prevNext module.

You need to class the prevNext using the below code on your website.


prevNext Available Features and Functions

Below are the main features and functions you can use once you have installed the mod package.

  • &sort
  • &includeHidden
  • &prevPrefix
  • &nextPrefix
  • &tvPrefix
  • &tpl
  • &css
  • &includeTVs
  • &includeTVList
  • &processTVs
  • &processTVList
  • &parents
  • &toArray
  • &toPlaceholder


That is all for this article, as you learned in this post how to add navigations on your website effectively by integrating the MOD using the prevNext module. It is one of the most used MOD in the industry by developers and makes better navigation for their users.

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Further Read:

  1. GitBot Complete Guide

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