Initialize A Python Array In 3 Ways

Throughout this article, we will be looking at some Simple Methods To Initialize A Python Array.

The Python array data structure is a data structure that stores data values that are similar across contiguous memory locations. When compared to a List(dynamic Arrays), Python Arrays stores elements of the same type in a more compact manner.

A Python List, on the other hand, can contain elements of different data types. Now, let’s take a look at the various methods for initializing an array in the Python programming language.

1. Direct Method To Initialize A Python Array

The following command can be used to initialize the data values of the array while it is being declared.



nameOfArray = [Default Value]*size

     Default Value = It is optional Parameter and If you do not want size then you can keep it empty.
     size = It is also an Optional Parameter, used when you want to specify a size of array during initialization.
#Initializing the Python Array Directly
newArray = [1]*5

newArrayChar = ['Code']*3

#Printing the Above Python Array


[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
['Code', 'Code', 'Code']

According to the preceding example, we have created two arrays with default values of 1 and ‘Code’, respectively, as well as the specified size for each of them.

2. Using List Comprehension Method

To initialize an array with a default value, the for loop and range() functions in Python can be used in conjunction with one another.

With a single argument, the range() function in Python returns a sequence of numbers that begins with 0 and ends with the specified number, each of which is increased by one.

The for loop in Python would assign the value 0(default-value) to every element in the array that fell within the range specified by the range() function.


nameOfArray = [n for i in range(x)]

      n = can be any number you want as default value.
      x = is the size of the array you want.
#Initializing the Empty Python Array
newArray = []

#Using the List Comprehension Method
newArray = [5 for i in range(5)]

#Printing the Above Python Array

As you can see in the code above, I first created an empty array in Python and then used the list comprehension method to set the array’s default value and size.

3. Using NumPy Array To Initialize A Python Array

The NumPy module in Python can be used to efficiently create arrays and manipulate the data contained within them. The numpy.empty() function creates an array of a specified size with a default value of ‘None’, which is the default value for the array.


nameOfArray = numpy.empty(size,dtype=object)

    size = Size of the Array
    dtype = Data Type Of the Elements in Array
#Importing NumPy
import numpy as np

#Initializing A Python Array
newArray = np.empty(5, dtype=object)

#Printing The Array Initialized Above


[None None None None None]
Initialize A Python Array In 3 Ways

Wrap Up

I hope you have gained an understanding of the three different ways you can initialize a Python array. Although the first method discussed above is the most recommended and is considered best practice, there are other methods that can be used.

As a result, we have come to a conclusion on this topic. Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

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Further Read:

  1. Reverse an Array in Python
  2. How to Print an Array in Python
  3. Remove a Character From String In Python
  4. How To Append Or Add String In Python

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