How To Reverse A String In Python Using For Loop

In this tutorial, you will learn to reverse a string in Python using For Loop.

If you don’t want to use an inbuilt function to reverse a string and simply want to learn how to reverse any string using a For Loop or While Loop, it’s quite simple. All you have to worry about is using the correct concatenation when joining the string letters.

Let us see in the below example codes to reverse a string using any type of loop method either for or while in Python.

Using For Loop To Reverse A String In Python

Because there isn’t much to explain about the for loop, let’s jump right into the example code. All I’m going to do is add a new string variable to store the string in reverse order as the loop runs.

#Initializing the String To Reverse
inputString = "Reverse"

#Variable To Store String
revString = ""

for letters in inputString:
    #Concatenating the String in Reverse Order
    revString = letters + revString

#Printing the Reverse String



As seen in the preceding example, the reverse word is printed for the input string. But what if you have a sentence and only want to reverse the words rather than the letters?

Reverse A Sentence In Python Using For Loop

Let’s look at an example of using For Loop to reverse a word in a sentence rather than the letters of the words.

#Initializing the String To Reverse
inputString = "Reverse This String"

#Variable To Store String
revString = ""

#Add the Words after reverse
revWord = ""

#Variable to store revSentence
revSentence = ""

for letters in inputString:
    #Concatenating the String in Reverse Order
    revString = letters + revString

for letter in revString:
    if letter == " ":
        revSentence = revSentence + revWord + " "
        revWord = ""
        revWord = letter + revWord

revSentence = revSentence + revWord

#Printing the Reverse Sentence


String This Reverse
How To Reverse A String In Python Using For Loop

Wrap Up

I hope you gained an understanding of how to reverse a string in Python using the For Loop. I’ve provided two code examples for two different problems that can arise when reversing a string in this section.

If you know of a better method than the one discussed above, please let me know in the comments section and I will be happy to include it here.

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Further Read:

  1. How To Reverse A List In Python Using For Loop
  2. 3 Ways To Check If An Array Is Empty In Python
  3. How To Fix The Package-lock.json File Was Created With Old NPM Version
  4. How To Create A Dictionary In Python
  5. How To Get First Key From Dictionary Python – 3 Methods

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