[Fixed] Python TypeError: ‘list’ object is not callable


Using parenthesis instead of square brackets to index the elements of a list is the most common cause of TypeError: ‘list’ object is not callable in Python. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain what the TypeError ‘list’ object is not callable error means and how to resolve this TypeError in your program using … Read more

Python TypeError: ‘int’ Object Is Not Subscriptable Fix


Python stores whole numbers in Integers, which are not subscriptable objects. TypeError: ‘int’ object is not subscriptable will be raised if you attempt to treat an integer as a subscriptable object. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain what the error ‘int’ object is not subscriptable means, as well as how to resolve this … Read more

Python iloc() function – Complete Guide


In this tutorial, you will learn about the Python iloc() function with code examples. What is Python iloc() function and How It works? A wide range of modules and functions are available to us in Python for working with data. With the Pandas module, we have more functions to deal with large datasets in general, … Read more

Colon In Python – Why It Is Used?


In Python, a colon (:) is very important. A colon in Python is used for a variety of purposes, including function declaration, data retrieval, array indexing, and more. Let’s go over the functions and applications of colons in more detail below. What the colon (:) is used for? Below are the various reasons for which … Read more

Iterate Through A List In Python – 6 Ways


To demonstrate how to iterate through a list in Python, we’ll look at an example. In its most basic form, a Python List is an ordered data structure that allows us to store and manipulate the data contained within it. As shown in the following table, there are seven different ways to iterate through each … Read more

Exit A Python Program in 3 Ways


In this tutorial, I will discuss How to exit a Python program in different ways. Use the existing Python functions such as quit(), sys.exit(), and exit() in your Python program to terminate the program. This function will terminate the currently running program, and the interpreter will be stopped from the line number where this function … Read more

How To Find A String In A List In Python


In this article, we’ll look at how to find a string in a list in Python with various code examples. To determine whether a string exists in a list, simply use the “in” operator. However, I will also discuss other approaches to this problem statement that you can use. Find A String In A List … Read more

Python 3 Round To 2 Decimal Places: Code Examples


In this tutorial, you will learn how to round to 2 decimal places in Python 3. To round to two decimal places for any float value in Python 3, use the format function. The format function inside the print statement as {:.2f} will only print the float value up to two decimal places. However, if … Read more

Python List of Tuples With 6 Examples


In this tutorial, you will learn about the Python List Of Tuples With Examples. I’ll go over what Tuples are in Python, what they’re used for, and how you can use them in your Python code. What Is Python Tuples and List? Python Tuple’s elements are enclosed within small parenthesis, and tuples are also immutable … Read more

The “in” and “not in” operators in Python


In this tutorial, you will learn about the in and not in operators in Python. What Is “in” Operator In Python? Essentially, the in operator in Python determines whether a specified value is a constituent element of a sequence such as a string, array, list, or tuple, among other things. When used in a condition, … Read more