How To Square Something in C++? 3 Unique Ways

C++ Tutorials

Are you searching for a way to square something in c++? Like you want to square any number in C++, In this article, I will show you how you can square a number in C++ in three different and unique ways. Square using Pow Function from Math Library You can use the pow function from … Read more

Iterate Through Character Of String in C++

C++ Tutorials

Are you looking for different ways you can use to iterate through the string in C++? In this article, I will show you how you can iterate over the character of string in c++ easily. Using For Loop (Simple Approach) The first and most basic method you can use is by using the For Loop … Read more

How to Convert string to char* in C++

C++ Tutorials

Are you looking to know how you can convert string to char* in C++? In this post, I will show you various ways you can use to convert the given string to a char array in C++. There are already various STL templates present in the string class of C++ that you can use to … Read more

Check If String is Palindrome Using Recursion

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Are you looking for recursive a program that checks whether a String is a Palindrome? In this article, I will show you how you can check if the string is palindrome using recursion. What is Palindrome String? A palindromic string is a string if read from head to end or end to head remains the … Read more

System Pause C++ Command Guide

QuickSort in C++ Implementation

Are you looking for a way to use System Pause in C++? In this article, I’ll show you how to use the system(“pause”) command in C++ to pause your program’s execution. Before you learn about the system(“pause”), let us discuss the system() function to understand how it works. What is system() in C++? The system() … Read more